[1]Lu Zong; Yongqiang Yang; Hui Yang.;Xiaochen Wu#, Shapeable Aerogels of Metal–Organic-Frameworks Supported by Aramid Nanofibrils for Efficient Adsorption and Interception. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12 (6), 7295-7301.
[2]Lili Lv, Xiangsheng Han,Xiaochen Wu#,Chaoxu Li#; The synthesis of high-aspect-ratio Au microwires with a biomolecule for electrochemical sensing. Chemical Communications 2020, 56, 743-746.
[3]Lili Lv, Xiangsheng Han,Xiaochen Wu#,Chaoxu Li#; Peeling and mesoscale dissociation of silk fibers for hybridization of electro-thermic fibrous composites. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020, 8 (1), 248-255.
[4]Lili, Lv;Xiaochen, Wu#; Xiangsheng, Han; Chaoxu, Li#; Amino acid modified graphene oxide for assembly of nanoparticles for wastewater treatment. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 534: 147620.
[5]Xiaochen, Wu#; Lili, Lv; Xiangsheng, Han; Chaoxu, Li#; Bovine serum albumin fibrous biofilm template synthesis of metallic nanomeshes for surface-enhanced Raman scattering and electrocatalytic detection. Materials and Design, 2020, 192:108777.
[6]Yang Yongqiang#, Wang Qun,Wu Xiaochen#; Graphene quantum dots and polypyrrole incorporated polyacrylic acid hydrogels with enhanced conductivity. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2020, 1699, 012011.(EI,会议论文)
[7]Xiangsheng Han, Lili Lv, Daoyong Yu,Xiaochen Wu#, and Chaoxu Li#; Conductive Core-shell Aramid Nanofibrils: Compromising Conductivity with Mechanical Robustness for Organic Wearable Sensing. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 3, 3466-3473.
[8]Xiangsheng Han, Lili Lv, Mingjie Li, Jun You,Xiaochen Wu#, Chaoxu Li#; Sheet-like and tubular aggregates of protein nanofibrils-phosphate hybrid. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 393-396.
[9]Xiangsheng Han,Xiaochen Wu#, Lili Lv, Chaoxu Li#; Inhibiting and catalysing amyloid fibrillation at dynamic lipid interfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 543, 256-262.
[10]Lili Lv*,Xiaochen Wu*, Xiangsheng Han, Yongqiang Yang, Raffaele Mezzenga#, Chaoxu Li#; Trans-scale 2D synthesis of millimeter-large Au single crystals via silk fibroin templates. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6, 12419-12425.
[11]Xiaochen Wu,Xiangsheng Han, Lili Lv, Mingjie Li, Jun You, Chaoxu Li#; Supramolecular proteinaceous biofilms as trapping sponges for biologic water treatment and durable catalysis. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, 527, 117-123.
[12]Xiangsheng Han, Lili Lv, Daoyong Yu,Xiaochen Wu#,Chaoxu Li#; Coordination induced supramolecular assembly of fluorescent C-Phycocyanin for biologic discrimination of metal ions. Materials Letters, 2018, 215, 238-241.
[13]Lili Lv, Xiangsheng Han, Lu Zong, Mingjie Li, Jun You,Xiaochen Wu#, Chaoxu Li#; Biomimetic Hybridization of Kevlar into Silk Fibroin: Nanofibrous strategy for improved mechanic properties of flexible composites and filtration membranes. ACS Nano, 2017, 11(8), 8178-8184.
[14]Yijun Chen*,Xiaochen Wu*, Lili Lv, Fei Li, Zhengqin Liu#, Qingshan Kong#, Chaoxu Li#; Enhancing reducing ability of alfa-zein by fibrillation for synthesis of Au nanocrystals with continuous flow catalysis. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 491, 37-43.
[15]Lili Lv,Xiaochen Wu#, Mingjie Li, Lu Zong, Yijun Chen, Jun You, Chaoxu Li#; Modulating Zn(OH)2rods by marine alginate for templates of hybrid tubes with catalytic and antimicrobial properties. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 5, 862-868.
[16]Xiaochen Wu,Mingjie Li, Zehui Li, Lili Lv, Yan Zhang, Chaoxu Li; Amyloid-graphene oxide as immobilization platform of Au nanocatalysts and enzymes for improved glucose-sensing activity. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 2016, 490, 336-342.
[17]Baozhen An*,Xiaochen Wu*, Yijun Chen, Jialin Wang#, Chaoxu Li#; Hydrophobicity modulating self-assembled morphologies of alfa-zein in aqueous ethanol; International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2016, 51, 2621-2629.
[18]Xiaochen Wu,Shouwu Guo#, Jingyan Zhang#; Solvent-Free Oxidation of Veratryl Alcohol with Magnetic Au and Graphene Quantum Dots Composites as Catalysts. Materials Letters, 2016, 183, 227-231.
[1]吴海霞,吴晓晨,郭守武,赵觉新;石墨烯量子点/Fe3O4复合物催化降解酚类废水的方法, ZL201310189204.X。
[2]郭守武,吴晓晨,吴海霞,孙晓明,杨永强,张嘉楠;石墨烯量子点修饰的金纳米粒子的制备方法, ZL201410073701.8。
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